Once I wasThen I was HarleyThen I was Harley being Harley
Then I was Harley being Harley being Harley
Then I was no longer Harley ... I was Harley White
Then I was Harley White being Harley White
Then I was Harley White being Harley White being Harley White
Then I was no longer Harley White ... but I was still Harley White
Then I was Harley White not being Harley White
Then I was Harley White not being Harley White being Harley White
Then I was no longer Harley White not being Harley White
Then I was Harley White
Then I was Harley
Now I am beginning
to be
REVIVALNam-myoho-renge-kyo Nam-myoho-renge-kyo Nam-myoho-renge-kyo Nam-myoho-renge-kyo I
Life flashes by in a moment of time. Late twilight’s rose fades, the sweet songbirds leave. Though we strive to remain in reasoned rhyme, All living will die, the joyful will grieve. What vision can guide us? What blinding sight Could glow like a lantern to light the night? The sages and prophets the wide world round Still fumble in darkness, fall to the ground. The winds of impermanence blast and blow. Yet ages ago did the truth resound— The daimoku, Nam-myoho-renge-kyo.
How swiftly we play out our pantomime! Companions with whom on an autumn eve We versified the moon’s heavenly climb Have vanished in silent recitative. The tiger of death with eyes burning bright Does roar long before we must bear its bite. But thralled in the lust to be world-renowned We hear not, nor heed this frightening sound. Yet there’s a chant that can death overthrow, A single phrase in which blessings abound— The daimoku, Nam-myoho-renge-kyo.
The medicine men have cures for a dime. Specious magicians with tricks up their sleeve To treat our afflictions each will say, ‘I’m The wisest.’ Thus they deceive the naïve, Look down on the rest from their puffed-up height. For prizes, awards with great appetite Wry buffoons, erudite, all capped and gowned, In circumlocutions their words have wound. Yet the healing phrase not one can bestow Is elixir medicine to be downed— The daimoku, Nam-myoho-renge-kyo.
Some live for adventure, hear midnight’s chime; Others in misery crave death’s reprieve. Still to waste our precious life is a crime Or let our days meaningless matters thieve. Gold will be gold, of great value, despite A fool falsely weighing its worth as slight. With profit, fool’s gold, our actions are crowned. ‘We are happy,’ we say, with faces frowned. Yet one practice gives proof that we can show, However madly we’ve capered and clowned— The daimoku, Nam-myoho-renge-kyo.
Security, peace are benefits prime— A fabric of cause and effect we weave. Dimensions ageless, eternal, sublime— All are wonders within we can achieve. In a muddy pond the lotus pure white Emerges from earth, as wrong turns to right. In the sea of sufferings most are drowned, For sadness and sorrow us humans hound. Yet enlightenment’s path is ours to know, Where fortune upon good fortune will mound— The daimoku, Nam-myoho-renge-kyo.
To discard the shallow, seek the profound Takes courage and faith in equal compound. Yet water of wisdom will always flow, If we embrace what will truly astound— The daimoku, Nam-myoho-renge-kyo!
EPIPHANYOnce upon a time I dreamed Once upon a time I dreamed Throughout my giddy-paced time Once upon a time I dreamed
Once upon a time I dreamed Once upon a time I dreamed
Dharma Gateway
Death, existence, come and go, Like a tidal undertow… Waves that toss us, winds that blow, Raging storms and biting snow, Hunger, anger, joy, and woe, Hellish heat with burning glow…
Saints and sages ‘in the know’ Quibble bookish quid pro quo. Artful seekers high and low Chase illusions to and fro, Board their boats and row, row, row, Partially-illumined, though… Ever-present, apropos, Where true wisdom waters flow, Those mind-opened practice, show That enlightenment will grow From the lotus seeds they sow (Equally for friend or foe) Of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo.
Mortals here on planet Earth, Do we see a being’s worth? Know the gateway to be free? Realize where lies the key?
Ancient Buddhist scrolls unfurled, Let us sense our inner world, Walk around within, explore, Enter through the Dharma door…
Lost will find what’s gone amiss, In despair, in want, or bliss… Humankind at precipice, Life itself abides in this Single all-embracing phrase! Sounds profound, astound, amaze… Who recites it sings its praise, Dark of nights and bright of days…
Utterness Dharma Wholly revealed! Sentient karma Lastingly healed!
And we plod on… fast or slow, With the work in progress, so As to render what was heard, Each and every golden word Of the Oral Teachings by Nichiren… that is, we try— Plus some Buddha Writings, more Handed down from ages yore, Many from the olden store Still as timely as before— Thus to offer, help bestow This Nam-myoho-renge-kyo…
— Harley White September 3, 2012
Nam Myōhō Renge Kyō means to devote our lives to and found them on (Nam) the Utterness of the Dharma [entirety of existence] (Myōhō) permeated by the underlying white lotus flower-like mechanism of the interdependence of cause, concomitancy and effect (Renge) in its whereabouts of the ten [psychological] realms of dharmas (Kyō).
For Martin Bradley and Gerhard Lenz
ONE TWO THREE — ALL IN ONESleeping Beauty — Rapunzel — Rumpelstiltskin
Work in Progress — by Harley White
To Nichiren Daishonin
“The example of one person represents the impartial truth inherent in all human beings.”
Nichiren Daishonin, Gosho Zenshu, p. 546
Nam-myoho-renge-kyo Nam-myoho-renge-kyo Nam-myoho-renge-kyo
June 17, 2000
PART ONE Heritage Chapter One Sleeping I Beauty1 Innumerable Meanings 2 Being . . . Becoming 3 Celebration 4 Gifts 5 Foreboding 6 Prophecy Chapter Two Spells1 Mystic Seeds 2 The Wake 3 Blooming 4 The Spindle 5 Expedient Means Chapter Three Megrims1 Region of Darkness 2 Fast Asleep 3 Papaver Pipedreams 4 Nadir 5 Dormancy PART TWO Dream WorldsChapter One Alter EgoMasquerade (a theater of the absurd play whose protagonist is Misfit Man) Chapter Two Rapunzel1 Hunger 2 Stolen Child 3 Involution 4 The Tower 5 Locks and Ringlets 6 Betrayals 7 Banishment 8 Blindness 9 Tears
Chapter Three Out There
Phantasmagoria (again the protagonist is Misfit Man)
1 I’m Back 2 Labyrinth of Choices 3 Palace of Palindrome 4 Sesquipedalius 5 Rose-Colored-Glasses Land 6 Barroom (This section with its “bartalk” became very long and is now a separate doc.) Chapter Four Rumpelstiltskin1 Scrapbook of Straw (contains a lot of my old writings, poems, short stories...) 2 That 3 Jactitation 4 The Trial 5 Periphrasis 6 Spinning 7 Fait Accompli 8 Issues . . . Imbroglios 9 Perdition 10 What’s in a Name? 11 Sobriquet 12 The End of That
PART THREE AwakeningsChapter One Odysseys1 Shot (Misfit Man) 2 Treacherous Tossings and Turnings (Rosamond “Sleeping Beauty”) 3 Point of Departure (Misfit Man) 4 Picking Up the Thread (Sleeping Beauty story continues) 5 Who Me? (Misfit Man) 6 Quest (Misfit Man) 7 Stirrings (Rosamond) 8 Inroads (Misfit Man) 9 New Vistas (Misfit Man becomes the Prince) 10 Evocation
Chapter Two Convergence (the two come together)
1 Brought Round 2 Double Take 3 Summoning 4 Resurgence 5 Reanimation Chapter Three Fulfillment1 Abandon 2 Betrothal 3 Dearly Beloved 4 Homestretch Chapter Four Sojourns1 Wrap-up 2 Untold Tales 3 Wonderful Sound 4 Sea of Vows 5 Transmission